
After three wonderful days in Croatia, it was time for a long drive through Slovenia to get to Italy. We did, however, get the opportunity to stop for a guided tour at Postojna Cave – the best-known cave in the world. This web of passages was a refreshing escape from the tiresome road, and the cave train was a lot of fun too!

Enjoying the Postojna Cave train


Enjoying the Postojna Cave train


That evening we arrived at our campsite in Venice to an amazing Toga party in full swing. Before long, we were wrapped in white bed sheets, with flowers in our hair and dancing up a storm at the local bar. Such a great night that Jess and I will forever smile about.

Toga Party

Toga Party

Toga Party
Toga Party

Toga Party
Toga Party

The following morning, I (surprisingly) woke up fine, but Jess was in a horrific state. We struggled through a walking tour of the city, which was quite an achievement in the summer heat. Of course, we even went on a traditional Gondola ride, which involved a definite ‘had to be there’ comical moment when another gondolier sailed past us with red hair and an Irish accent. Only moments beforehand, we were told that you could only be a gondolier if your father was one, so the honour had to be passed down to you in your Italian family… something not quite right there!

Gondola ride
Gondola ride


After another stroll around the canals, we came across the Venice Lace Museum where we watched a demonstration, and listened to the history about how Venetian needle thread is made. In case you’re wondering, it takes a six-year internship to become a fine lace sewer. It was during this demonstration that my hangover kicked in – I can definitely think of better places to feel nauseous!

Overlooking the Grand Canal

Piazza San Marco

Gondola ride
Gondola ride

Gondola ride
Gondola ride

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