
While waiting to board our bus to Minneapolis, I was starving so I went to the station’s cafeteria to buy some food. Unfortunately, I was in between money transfers so I couldn’t afford anything bigger than a hash brown.

It wasn’t even a regular size hash brown; more like the size of a crisp. Well, the attendant was like “oh just this?” to which I’m like “yeah, just that please“. When it was ready for me to collect, he shouted out ridiculously loud “one lonelyyyy hash brown!” and then whispered quietly “the ketchup is on me“. Cheers, mate.

Minnesota Baseball game
Minnesota Baseball game

A full-blown argument erupted in the station while we were eating our hash browns, which was rather entertaining. An angry guy left his seat to go to the bathroom, during which time, an innocent woman sat down. On return to his seat, the guy totally flipped out and screamed at her that she had to move. Well, this woman was rightly so, having none of it, which wound angry guy up even more. Next minute, another man stepped in to offer angry guy his seat, in a bid to defuse the situation. Bad move – angry guy was now fuming. At this point, another man who had been sleeping on a bench opposite the commotion, sat up, pulled out his phone, and announced to everyone that he was calling the police. Suddenly, security came rushing in from all directions and lead angry guy away. Never a dull moment with the Greyhound!

Minnesota Baseball game
Minnesota Baseball game

During the eight-hour trip to Minneapolis, we were sat with a large group of Amish people. Now my only knowledge of the Amish community comes from the movie Sex Drive so as much as I do respect their values and traditions, they somewhat creep me out. I was doing fine though until an Amish child in front of me kept turning around to look at me. This boy looked like a full-on horror movie child with his bowler haircut, a little hat, and piercing blue eyes staring me out. 

Science Museum of Minnesota  – We were fortunate enough to visit when the King Tut exhibition was showing which was very impressive and educational. While we were sitting at the kid’s station, pencilling our names in hieroglyphics, the attendant casually asked us what grade we were at school. We were too embarrassed to explain that we were 22.

Mall of America – It’s so big! It puts the Trafford Center to shame. There’s even a theme park on the top-level, which was amazing. Alice, Michael, his little brother Tommy and I were like kids on speed, running around trying to fit all of the rides into one afternoon. I got absolutely soaked on the log fume, while everybody else stayed bone dry which was brilliant, and so I had to borrow a pair of 13-year-old Tommy’s jeans. 

Minnesota Zoo – This is a different zoo from most – not just your average animals! The Brown Bears were our favourite.

Minnesota Zoo
Minnesota Zoo

Minnesota Zoo
Minnesota Zoo

We also visited The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and The Nook, which is an amazing restaurant that specializes in burgers. This place is so good that it was featured in ‘The National Spotlight on Food‘ on a popular food network show, and it has won many awards. Alice and I both tried the recommended ‘Juicy Nookie Burger‘ which has melted cheese INSIDE the burger! We both agree that without a doubt, this was the best burger we have ever eaten in our lives, and nothing will ever compare.

Another boat trip
Another boat trip

Of course, we did have a couple of nights out with Michael in a bid to relive our Texas memories. This is where Alice and I were introduced to long island iced-tea which is delicious but lethal. My journal notes are a bit fuzzy for these nights out, as is my memory. There’s something about me making a new best friend in the form of a man called Sam, but our nice conversation turned into a political heated discussion/near on screaming match. I do vaguely remember this… who knew I was so opinionated while drunk.


Alice also made a new best friend called Sean. He seemed rather normal on the first night. However, he was pretty much stalking Alice during the second night out and buying her too many long island iced-teas for her own good. Alice is going to kill me for saying this, but he kept repeating ‘I’m shy’ while trying to rub her leg. He was actually really boring and creepy, so I thought it would be great timing to make a bathroom trip which would leave them alone together while Michael was at the bar. Alice pleaded with her eyes for me not to leave her, but I think my logic was that I was getting her back for something or other.

Oh my, she was angry when I returned, and tipped some of her water over me. I overreacted a little bit and threw my entire glass over Alice. I knew straight away that I had gone too far, and so did Michael as he launched himself between us because Alice looked like she was going to rip my head off. Michael had to physically hold Alice back so I could make a run for it. I thought five minutes apart would do the trick, but no it did not. Instead, it turned into a brawl in the street where Alice threw me to the ground into a muddy puddle to which I retaliated by holding her in a headlock with her face above the puddle until she apologized. Just another one of those new friendship level moments.


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