
Our next stop was at Alice’s cousin Chris’ place in Prescott, Arizona. We went to a fraternity party one night, where we had many a game of beer pong, and drank from real red paper cups, just like they do in the movies!

After running around, generally causing havoc, we spent at least half an hour trying to convince the president of the fraternity to let us become honorary members. However, he refused on the grounds that we were female. Sexist. After more badgering though, he agreed on the onus that we complete a dare. I can’t for the life of me remember what is was, but we did it, and so it’s official, we’re in! Alice then proceeded to abuse some poor guy by hitting him over the head with her flip-flop and pushing him over onto the floor. This was Chris’ cue to pick us both up and carry us out of the party. 

Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon

The following day, Chris taught us how to shoot  – a Remington 1100 shotgun, a Mosin Nagant rifle, and a Glock 23 Handgun .40 Calibe. This was so much fun, and a little surreal that we were hanging out off-road in Arizona and shooting guns. We got the works in our lesson; how to load them, how to stand properly, and the correct way to aim towards the target. Alice was good at it from the start, but to be honest, I was pretty average – nothing special at all. However, after putting my glasses on, I was amazing! 

Learning to shoot a gun
Learning how to shoot a gun
Alice learning to shoot
Alice learning how to shoot

We also went to the Grand Canyon where Alice’s inner Geology geek surfaced. She tried to educate me, but I don’t remember much apart from the fact that it’s up to 18 miles wide. It goes without saying, but it was huge! We walked along the perimeter for a while and stopped for lunch. I think I can safely say that this is the most impressive picnic view I’ve ever had. There was even a Geology museum which wasn’t too bad as it happens. I found a great book about fatalities in the Canyon (around 600!). Next stop, Texas!

Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Lunch with a view
Lunch with a view
Grand Canyon


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